Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) France : The metro construction site is under fire

The metro construction site is under fire

The night brings good advice
IAATA, May 19, 2024

Ecological transition and decarbonization are hammered into our heads under the guise of green capitalism. The reality is that capitalism is not a system of transition but of accumulation. 3rd metro line, LGV freeway… This system is maintained by its flows, and that’s where it finds its weaknesses.

Whether Macron likes it or not, if there’s accumulation there’s no trickle-down, it’s a fable with the same misery at the end, the rich don’t share and the poor work themselves to death. That’s why on the night of May 17 to 18 in Toulouse, a drill belonging to NGE, working on the new Toulouse metro line, was set on fire.
Continue reading Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) France : The metro construction site is under fire

Lacanau (Gironde),France : cell tower arsoned… the day before it was installed

cell tower arsoned… the day before it was installed

Lacanau : a cell tower set on fire
Sud Ouest, May 25, 2024

The location is isolated. On the night of Thursday May 23 to Friday May 24, a cell tower due to be installed at Longarisse, in the commune of Lacanau, was destroyed by fire. Only the upper part burned. It was due to be erected the same day by the operator Free.

The Gendarmerie has made the necessary observations and opened an investigation.

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

Paris, France : Sabotage on high-speed trains just before the start of the Olympic Games

Arson attacks paralyze French high-speed rail network hours before start of Olympics

Over 800,000 passengers unable to travel to the French capital – French railways say mass attack and vandalism. Sabotage on high-speed trains happened in France, just before the start of the Olympic Games , while more than 800 thousand passengers cannot move in the French capital.

The French railway company SNCF suffered during the night of Thursday to today Friday (25-26/7) a “massive attack of a range capable of causing paralysis” of the TGV high-speed train network,

which was “largely disrupted”, it informed to AFP, a few hours before the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.

We are diverting some trains to classic lines, but we will have to cancel a large number” of routes, SNCF added in a statement.

The French railway company clarified that “this situation is expected to last at least throughout the weekend, while repairs are carried out”.

Three high-speed train lines were vandalized overnight in France, Reuters reported, citing a statement from the state railway company, which caused major traffic problems on the day of the official opening of the Paris Olympics.

An airport on the Switzerland-France border was evacuated for security reasons. New alarm after the attack on the trains, just hours before the start of the Olympic Games.

“For security reasons, the terminal had to be evacuated and is currently closed,” Basel-Mulhouse EuroAirport said on its website.

from: the scum media Zougla gr of Greece and french media

Fiery Outing at Playa Ancha University for the Land and Against Capital ( Chile)

July 8, 2024 / informativoanarquista

On Thursday June 27 at the UPLA, barricades were erected, pamphlets were spread, banners were raised, and confrontations took place against the presence of the COP (gendarmes) in the context of the commemoration for the defense of the land against ecocidal extractivism. In this direct action at the port, attention was drawn to Felipe Ríos, currently facing repression and held hostage by the social democratic police state.

Pamphlets and banners read: “Felipe Ríos is with us. Freedom to prisoners”. “Dealers and cops, the same bullshit. Take up your weapon, let them know that their faces are the targets of our bullets”, “freedom for subversive prisoners” and “the promised land is nothing but subdued land. Autonomy and freedom”.

Final Statement of the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2024

From the 5th to the 7th of July, Prishtina, Kosova, transformed into a hub of anarchist thought, coordination, and solidarity as it hosted the 16th edition of the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair (BAB). This first-ever anarchist gathering in an Albanian-speaking locality brought together over 250 participants from 29 countries, spanning from Chile to Azerbaijan. A total of 32 collectives and initiatives exhibited books and zines, and 18 discussions and events were organized, showcasing the movement’s all-encompassing diversity. In the true spirit of collectivism and mutual aid, participants got engaged in the organization, making this event a remarkable demonstration of what can be achieved through collective effort.

Having such an event in Prishtina is of particular importance. Since the end of the war, Kosova has remained ensnared in a perpetual state of conflict, leading to an enduring atmosphere of tension between the state of Kosova and Serbia. The elites on both sides have highly capitalized on this situation, ensuring and thriving on division among the societies. The mere fact that comrades from all over the Balkans, including Kosova and Serbia, stood side by side, denouncing nationalism and state politics, is a powerful testament to our collective commitment to solidarity, resistance, and collaboration across the artificial borders and state politics that aim to divide us.

Continue reading Final Statement of the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2024

Intervention at the consulate of Kenya | Solidarity with the rebels (Athens,Greece)

On Friday, 12th July, an intervention with banner and flyers took place at the consulate of Kenya in solidarity with the rebels.

During the last weeks, there have been ongoing and massive protests in Kenya against a new tax bill, which will hit the poorest classes of society even harder. The increase in taxes, voted as part of the approval of the draft state budget, have sparked an intense political confrontation. The peak of the mobilizations and demonstrations against the bill, were the mass demonstrations in the capital of Kenya, in Nairobi on June 25th (the day the bill was passed), where groups of protesters managed to break the police stranglehold and set fire to the parliament, from which MPs (members of parliament) and ministers fled through a tunnel. That day, at least 30 protesters were killed by the murderous state supression. The ferocity of the protests even forced the government to back down and withdraw the budget.
Continue reading Intervention at the consulate of Kenya | Solidarity with the rebels (Athens,Greece)

Revisiting Social Revolution in the Aftermath of 2020

submitted anonymously on pugetsoundanarchists

“Our task as anarchists, our main preoccupation and greatest desire, is to see the social revolution come about: a terrible upheaval of men and institutions which finally succeeds in putting an end to exploitation and establishing the reign of justice.

For we anarchists the revolution is our guide, our constant point of reference, no matter what we are doing or what problem we are concerned with. The anarchy we want will not be possible without the painful revolutionary break. If we want to avoid turning this into no more than a dream we must struggle to destroy the State and the exploiters through revolution.”
-Alfredo Bonanno, Why Insurrection?
Continue reading Revisiting Social Revolution in the Aftermath of 2020

Naples, Italy: Zac “free”! Acquittal at the end of first instance trial in Naples and notification of special surveillance 11th July 2024

Zac “free”! Acquittal at the end of first instance trial in Naples and notification of special surveillance
11th July 2024

Zac “free”!!!

Zac was acquitted at the last hearing of the trial, on July 11th (both 280bis and 270quinques because the fact does not exist). The reasons will be produced within 90 days.

A large group of comrades and others in solidarity was present at the hearing, but a few hours before the sentence they tried to spoil things (with little success) by notifying the start of the preventive measure that Zac had been sentenced to in December (2 years and 6 months’ “qualified special surveillance” for the offences he was accused of in the trial), which imposes the following restrictions: obligation to stay in the municipality of Pozzuoli, to be at home from 9pm to 7am, to not “habitually” frequent persons who have been convicted or are subject to preventive measures, not to leave home without prior notice from the supervisory authority, not to have access to public establishments and public entertainment, “to live honestly respecting the law”, not to possess or carry weapons, not participate in public meetings, always carry the red booklet, turn up every Sunday, or anyway any time reqursted, to the supervisory authority.

The review hearing for surveillance will be on October 25th.

Meanwhile, as a banner incited outside the court…


[Received via e-mail and published in]

Pisa, Italy: Claim for incendiary attack on optic fibre 2 June 2024

Pisa, Claim for incendiary attack on optic fibre

In the night between 1 and 2 June, using rags and fuel, we set fire to a fibre optic street cabinet in the Fontina area of Pisa. We chose this place because it is in an industrial area near the Carrefour hypermarket, a robotics laboratory of the Sant’Anna Institute and the Bank of Pisa. Each day reality shows us how domination and war are directly linked to the development of these technologies, as the smart annihilation of the population of Gaza is demonstrating.

As much as the media has downplayed the damage by attributing it to a fault, they have had to admit that the repairs will require a long time. In this way we hope we have spoiled the work of the above-mentioned institutes and the festivities for this hypocritical republic.

Translated to English by Act for freedom now!

[Received via e-mail and published in]

Rivendicazione dell’attacco incendiario contro la fibra ottica (Pisa, 2 giugno 2024)

La notte tra il 1 e il 2 di giugno abbiamo incendiato con stracci e combustibile un armadio della fibra ottica a Pisa in località la Fontina. Abbiamo scelto il posto perchè situato in un’area industriale vicino ad un ipermercato della Carrefour, ad un laboratorio di robotica dell’Istituto Sant’Anna e al Banco di Pisa.

La realtà di tutti i giorni ci mostra come il dominio e la guerra siano direttamente legate allo sviluppo di queste tecnologie, come lo sterminio smart della popolazione di Gaza ci insegna. Per quanto i media abbiano minimizzato il danno attribuendolo ad un guasto, hanno dovuto ammettere che le riparazioni richiederanno parecchio tempo.

Speriamo di aver guastato con ciò l’opera degli istituti sopracitati e i festeggiamenti per questa ipocrita repubblica.

Leipzig (Germany): arson attack on a Tesla dealership

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

Leipzig : arson attack on a Tesla dealership

[On the night of May 12/13 in Leipzig, several Tesla cars were set on fire in the Schomburgkstrasse parking lot of a Tesla dealership. Two Tesla cars were completely destroyed, and two others heavily damaged, with damage amounting to 120,000 euros. The Saxony Regional Criminal Police’s Center for Defense against Terrorism and Extremism (PTAZ) was in charge of the investigation. The day before the attack in Leipzig, 2,500 demonstrators marched in Berlin from the forest towards the Tesla factory in Grünheide, with clashes with the police. On May 16, a communique was published on de.indymedia.].

Disrupt Tesla – Electric cars set on fire west of Leipzig

On the night of May 12/13, as the dust began to settle in Grünheide and the cops were leaving, we went to remove several Teslas from circulation at a car dealership in western Leipzig using incendiary devices.

Continue reading Leipzig (Germany): arson attack on a Tesla dealership